A successful career in Commercial and Investment Banking including former CFO of the Global Debt business of NatWest Markets. Recent experiences have included the Executive lead in the restructure of a leading UK Bank into core and non core bank and the successful deleveraging of non core activities. Providing strategic advisory and execution to large Institutions in their transformation of their transaction banking businesses. Corporate Advisory work in structured and project financing for Sub Sahara Africa. Now leading the development of an innovative and disruptive FinTech venture, ZymPay, which has a vision to deliver a seamless global digital payments service working with strategic banking and Institutional partners to deliver diaspora payment services and serve the under banked sector. Sub Sahara Africa being core to its solution delivery. Zympay won recognition recently at the Paris Fintech Forum, where we pitched with 50 companies and ZymPay was awarded the Paris Fintech Start Up Award for Innovation and Financial Inclusion.ZymPay has pioneered a world leading solution to enable Emerging Markets Institutions to market their services for products such as insurance (e.g. funeral and health plans) and investment savings products through digital channels with ZymPay managing all global collection and FX management in the countries where diaspora work. This service removes the need for expensive money transfer by diaspora to their home countries and reduces significantly the customer acquisition and service costs for insurance and investment management groups.